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cover Effects of radiotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oral microcirculation - Renee Helmers
chapter 2 Effects of radiotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oral microcirculation - Renee Helmers

PhD Thesis

Emma Boersma- von Scheibler

Characterization of genetic neurodevelopmental disorders at adult age, with a focus on 22q11.2 deletion syndrome  


Cover design: Jasper Mller
Lay out: Ferdinand van Nispen, Citroenvlinder DTP&Vormgeving,
Printed by:, Ede, The Netherlands
ISBN: 978-90-833743-1-4

Chapter 3 Effects of radiotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oral microcirculation - Renee Helmers
Chapter 4 Effects of radiotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oral microcirculation - Reneee Helmers